Replacement 150cc 2-port top end kit for vintage Vespa. A great alternative to a rebore for older 150s, and an upgrade for older 125's. Comes with cylinder, piston, rings, wrist pin, and circlips. To use this on 125's and VBA/VBB's, replacement head # 90970 is needed. Timing should should be set at 22 BTDC for points ignition systems and 18-19 for eletronic ignition systems.
Replacement 150cc 2-port top end kit for vintage Vespa. A great alternative to a rebore for older 150s, and an upgrade for older 125's. Comes with cylinder, piston, rings, wrist pin, and circlips. To use this on 125's and VBA/VBB's, replacement head # 90970 is needed. Timing should should be set at 22 BTDC for points ignition systems and 18-19 for eletronic ignition systems.